Hund liegt auf Holzboden und schaut mit treuem Blick in die Kamera

Pain in Dogs – Recognizing, Treating & Prev...

Dogs are masters at hiding their pain. Unlike humans, they cannot directly communicate where it hurts or how severe the pain is. This is because their nature forces them not...

Pain in Dogs – Recognizing, Treating & Prev...

Dogs are masters at hiding their pain. Unlike humans, they cannot directly communicate where it hurts or how severe the pain is. This is because their nature forces them not...

Hund sitzt auf einer Bank mit Eispfoten

Paw care in winter for dogs – How to protect yo...

Does your dog love snow as much as you do? What could be better than a long walk in the fresh snow in bright sunshine with your four-legged friend? The...

Paw care in winter for dogs – How to protect yo...

Does your dog love snow as much as you do? What could be better than a long walk in the fresh snow in bright sunshine with your four-legged friend? The...

Übungen für ängstliche Hunde – So hilfst Du Deinem Vierbeiner, wieder Vertrauen zu fassen

Exercises for anxious dogs – How to help your f...

Fearful dogs are not uncommon and perhaps you are wondering - like many other dog owners - how you can help your loyal companion to lead a carefree and happy...

Exercises for anxious dogs – How to help your f...

Fearful dogs are not uncommon and perhaps you are wondering - like many other dog owners - how you can help your loyal companion to lead a carefree and happy...

Plötzliche Wesensveränderung beim Hund – Ursachen, Symptome und Lösungen

Sudden personality change in dogs – causes, sym...

Something is different.  You know something has changed, but you don't know what.  Your dog is your loyal companion and you understand each other with just one look.  Generally, most...

Sudden personality change in dogs – causes, sym...

Something is different.  You know something has changed, but you don't know what.  Your dog is your loyal companion and you understand each other with just one look.  Generally, most...

Magnetfeldtherapie bei Hunden

Magnetic field therapy for dogs

Support your dog at the touch of a button and ensure improved well-being and greater performance.

Magnetic field therapy for dogs

Support your dog at the touch of a button and ensure improved well-being and greater performance.

Die wichtigsten Lektionen, die ich als Hundebesitzerin beim Umgang mit der Sommerhitze für meinen Hund gelernt habe

The most important lessons I have learned as a ...

Find out how heat affects dogs and discover effective measures to prevent heat stress. Tips for shady places, water supply and special products for your dog's health in summer.

The most important lessons I have learned as a ...

Find out how heat affects dogs and discover effective measures to prevent heat stress. Tips for shady places, water supply and special products for your dog's health in summer.