The EQUUSIR BEST-BOX: Targeted optimization of health and performance
Detailed and neutral analysis procedure
Detailed and neutral analysis procedure
The BEST-BOX creates a report that contains a detailed analysis of the energetic state, identifies weak points and offers tailored recommendations to improve health and performance.
Effective regeneration after exercise
Effective regeneration after exercise
Promotes recovery and performance. Supports detoxification and lactate breakdown in the muscles, relieves pain, reduces inflammation and stress.
Relief of muscle tension and interference fields
Relief of muscle tension and interference fields
Relieves muscle tension and improves mobility. Supports the stability of the muscle and connective tissue as well as the fascia.
Prevention and mitigation of vulnerabilities
Prevention and mitigation of vulnerabilities
Identifies and alleviates potential deficiencies. Promotes health in cases of digestive problems, detoxification and metabolic problems, as well as strengthening the immune system, lungs, cardiovascular and hormonal systems. Also includes tendons and joints.
Early detection of possible chronic diseases
Early detection of possible chronic diseases
Assists in the detection of chronic conditions such as skin diseases, tendon problems, bronchitis, immune-associated arthritis and osteoarthritis.
Fast relief for acute complaints
Fast relief for acute complaints
Promotes healing for skin problems, muscle, joint and tendon disorders. Supports lymph flow. Provides rapid relief for injuries and musculoskeletal complaints.

The Report
The basis of the BEST-BOX is the comprehensive report, which analyses the energy flow in the body and shows interference fields at the earliest possible level - the cellular level. This applies to both physical and mental weak points. This report can be used to determine causes and take preventive measures. In addition, treatment and training progress can be tracked and the entire health and performance management can be individually adapted to the needs of the dog.
The EQUUSIR BEST-BOX is ideal for:
Veterinarians and veterinary clinics
Get a comprehensive overview of the physical and mental state of your patients in just 2 minutes with the EQUUSIR BEST-BOX. Identify causes quickly and enable more targeted medication administration. It is ideal as an accompanying measure during hospital stays, especially in stressful situations. Find out more and arrange your consultation appointment.
Dog therapists
Identify physical and mental deficits in your patients quickly and specifically with the EQUUSIR BEST-BOX. Use the applications for preparation and aftercare to achieve deeper and more lasting results. Support your therapeutic work with photobiomodulation and infrared-B to relieve tension, promote blood circulation and increase general well-being. Ideal for use in physiotherapy, osteopathy and acupuncture. Find out more and book a consultation.
Rehabilitation centers
Optimally support the regeneration process after operations or injuries of your patients with the EQUUSIR BEST-BOX. Our detailed reports show you where action is needed. Applications with photobiomodulation and infrared-B promote the healing process and relieve pain. Improve general recovery through targeted stimulation of the body's own regeneration processes and sustainably increase the well-being of your patients. Find out more and arrange your consultation appointment.
Improve your dog's breeding chances with the EQUUSIR BEST-BOX! Our applications with photobiomodulation and infrared-B optimize sperm quality, promote the successful conception of fetuses and support the quick regeneration of the bitch after the litter. Find out more and book a personal consultation.
Dog trainers
Improve the concentration, performance and well-being of your training dogs with the EQUUSIR BEST-BOX. Support trauma management, promote balance and interest in training. Work specifically on mental deficits such as sleep problems, aggressive behavior and conflicts with other dogs. Find out more and book a consultation.
Service dog facilities
Get a better understanding of the mental state of service dogs with the EQUUSIR BEST-BOX. Support regeneration after mental and physical stress and improve attention and endurance. Find out more and arrange your consultation.
Dog owners
Get a comprehensive insight into your dog's well-being and health with the EQUUSIR BEST-BOX. In just a few minutes, the BEST-BOX analyzes your dog's condition and helps you to identify interference fields early on. Promote your dog's regeneration and general well-being through targeted stimulation with photobiomodulation and infrared-B. You have the option of booking an application. Find out more and arrange your initial consultation.
BEST-BOX Dog Request
The technologies of the BEST-BOX
Get a brief insight into the technologies of the BEST-BOX.
What does the colored light do?
The frequencies of the light activate the body's self-healing powers. Color light researcher Dinshah Ghadiali compares the body to a prism that splits light into its basic components and uses them. In the EQUUSIR BEST-BOX we use this principle in two ways:
1. We compensate for energy deficits (photon deficits).
2. We fix disruptions in cell communication.
Light therapy works by strengthening the body's regulatory powers and helping it to restore its balance. The light provides the energy needed to stimulate life energy and influence the functions of nerves, glands and organs. This therapy also has a positive effect on the psyche by activating different frequencies that act on the energy centers in the body.
How does the BEST-BOX work?
The EQUUSIR BEST-BOX combines modern technology and quantum physics with Health & Performance Management (HPM) to promote physical health, strengthen the dog-human relationship and increase performance. It analyses the energy flow in the body and creates a report on which areas are well supplied and which are disturbed. Disturbances such as inflammation, muscle tension and stress can be identified and made visible in the report. Based on the report, an application using photobiomodulation (PBM) and infrared B then follows. After the first application, the follow-up analysis shows which disturbances in the energy flow could be improved immediately and which areas require further applications.
Is the BEST-BOX the same as bioresonance or scintigraphy?
No, the BEST-BOX first creates a report using the Energy Information System. Photobiomodulation (PBM) and infrared-B, as well as neurostimulation, are then applied on the basis of this report.
Bioresonance therapy is an alternative healing method based on the assumption that the body can be influenced by certain frequencies or wave patterns. It uses electrical signals for diagnosis and therapy to balance disturbed frequencies in the body and improve health.
Scintigraphy is an imaging test that uses radioactive markers (tracers) to show the function and distribution of organs or tissues in the body. This method provides detailed information about the activity and possible abnormalities in the areas being examined.
What happens after the 3-day appointment?
After the three-day application, the next steps are discussed with the therapist and recommendations are given. If necessary, this can include a referral to a veterinarian, physiotherapist or nutritionist. It can be useful to provide support with the BIOS Dog Blanket and a program tailored to the analysis.
How does it work and how much does it cost if I want to use the BEST-BOX?
For optimal use of the BEST-BOX, a three-day application block is recommended.
On the first day, the session lasts about 50 minutes and includes a holistic initial analysis. This is followed by a personalized application of photobiomodulation and infrared-B for 20 minutes, followed by a follow-up analysis. Finally, the results of the analyses are discussed in a conversation with the BEST-BOX therapist. The cost for this first day, including all applications and the detailed discussion, is €115.00.
On the following days (day 2 and day 3), 20-minute follow-up treatments tailored to the body are carried out. On the third day, there is also a final consultation in which the findings are discussed and further steps for the long-term health and well-being of your dog are planned. The cost for the treatments on days 2 and 3 is €89.00 each, so the total cost for the three-day block is €293.00.
How often or at what intervals should my dog go into the BEST-BOX and how long does one application take?
One application, including report creation, takes about 25 minutes. The initial report can be used as a starting point for subsequent applications and the individual BIOS blanket program for 28 days. After these 28 days, a new initial report must be created. The decision as to whether to define this as the period for the intervals between applications in the BEST-BOX depends on your personal goals and the general condition of the dog. This can be agreed upon in the final consultation with the therapist.
Does the dog have to be off the leash/harness/collar?
The harness or collar does not necessarily have to be removed.
Will the dog then be locked in the BEST-BOX?
No, the dog is not locked up. Experience shows that the dog stays in the BEST-BOX voluntarily. The owner must be present during the entire application. To provide support, it would be possible to stretch a net across the front.
Does it make sense to go to the BEST-BOX before a tournament or afterward?
The BEST-BOX analyses the current state of the body and makes possible physical and mental weak points visible. Processes are also stimulated in the process. In principle, it can be used before a tournament - and/or during it - with the aim of supporting the body and promoting regeneration. However, intensive, three-day applications and initial reports for further measures should preferably be made after the tournament.
Is the BEST-BOX only for dogs with health problems?
No, the BEST-BOX offers an excellent opportunity to act preventively. This means that potential imbalances can be identified and highlighted at an early stage. Thanks to the analysis, potential weak points can be identified at an early stage, optimizing the dog's health, general well-being and performance. Every dog can benefit from it - even if there are currently no obvious problems.
My dog comes from an animal shelter and is anxious. Will the BEST-BOX help in this case?
Yes, the EQUUSIR BEST-BOX can also help anxious dogs. The technology in the BEST-BOX promotes relaxation and well-being, which can help reduce anxiety and stress. It also supports the resolution of previous traumas.
Can I also buy the BEST-BOX for my practice/rehab center and include it in my range of services?
Yes, the BEST-BOX is an excellent addition for veterinarians, animal therapists, trainers and breeders to provide the best possible care for their patients. It is also ideal for private use to maintain your dog's health. Use the contact form at the bottom of the page to find out more about your options for using the BEST-BOX. We will get in touch with you as soon as possible!
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Legal notice
The EQUUSIR BEST-BOX is used, among other things, to harmonize the body's own energy fields. Any other use, in particular for carrying out diagnoses and medical treatments, is considered improper.
The success of bioenergetic applications has not been proven by conventional medicine. Bioenergetic applications are therefore in no way a substitute for medical diagnosis and therapy. They are purely energetic advice that is carried out taking bioenergetics into account.
We expressly point out that the procedure is subject to medical authorization and state that measures that are subject to medical authorization may only be carried out on the instructions or under the supervision of a doctor. All statements and advice are not diagnoses, but represent purely energetic descriptions of the condition.
In compliance with the Medicines Advertising Act, we would like to point out that the described effects of using the EQUUSIR BEST-BOX are based either on scientific evidence (infrared, colored light) or on our observations from various case studies. No diagnoses are made and no promises of healing are given.